Special values of of Polygamma Function
We have already seen from previous posts that many infinite series and integrals can be evaluated with techniques that relies on Gamma and Polygamma functions. In view of this fact I decided to proof a few special values for some of these functions to serve primarily as a reference when we encounter them in future computations. It will be a pretty long post but lots of techniques involved, therefore a fun one. Needless to mention their own beauty with expressions involving lots of well known mathematical constants, justifying their derivation just for their own sake.
In previous posts we have proved the following relations for the Gamma Function:
The recurrence equation of the Gamma Function
Additionally, we have already proved the following infinite series representation for the Digamma function
Which gives rise the following integral representation:
Or in (6)
Equations (1) to (7) are the basic equations needed to find some special values of polygamma functions. From them, we will now derive another sets of relations required in the proofs.
If we take log on both sides of (1) and differentiate w.r. to we get
differentiating (8) with respect to x we obtain
differentiating (9) with respect to x we obtain
Taking log on both sides of (2) and differentiate w.r. to we get
Differentiating (11) with respect to x we get
Differentiating (12) with respect to x we get
Taking log on both sides of (3) and differentiate w.r. to we get
differentiating (14) with respect to x we get
differentiating (15) with respect to x we get
differentiating (16) with respect to x we get
Taking log on both sides of (4) and differentiate w.r. to we get
differentiating (19) with respect to x we get
differentiating (20) with respect to x we get
differentiating (5) with respect to x we obtain
differentiating (22) with respect to x we obtain
differentiating (7) with respect to x we obtain
differentiating (24) with respect to x we obtain
Special values of the Digamma function
Setting in (5) we immediately obtain
To compute , let´s do the following. Start with
and set
To find lets first start from (19) and set
On the other hand setting in (11)
Adding (28) and (29) we get
Subtracting (29) and (28) we get
An alternative way to compute is through the integral representation (7) which is more involving. I left it´s computation in the appendix for those interested.
To find lets first start from (15) and set
From (27) we get
On the other hand setting in (11)
Adding (32) and (33) we get
Subtracting (33) from (32) we get
Letting in (19)
Letting in (11)
Adding (35) and (36) we get
Subtracting (33) and (32) we obtain
Special Values of the Trigamma
letting in (22)
For set
in (16)
plugging (39) in (40) we get
To find we start from (24)
On the other hand
Subtracting (43) from (42)
we have
From the apendix we have
Where is the Clausen function
Equating (44) with (45)
From (12), letting we obtain
Adding (46) and (47)
Subtracting (47) from (46)
To find , we again use (24)
Let , then
applying partial fractions
These two integrals are evaluated in the appendix below, we therefore obtain
From (12) we may obtain
Special Values of the Quadrigamma
If we let in (23) we immediately obtain
Now, if we let in(23), we get
let in (21)
On the other hand setting in (13) we obtain
Adding (54) and (55)
Subtracting (55) from (54)
Now let in (17)
On the other hand setting in (13) we obtain
Adding (58) and (59)
Subtracting (59) from (58) we get
let in (21)
On the other hand setting in (13) we obtain
Adding (62) and (63)
subtracting (63) from (62)
A.1 Integral representation Clausen Function
First note the following fact
proof: Integrating by parts
The Clausen function is defined as following
For we have
Plugging (A.1) in (A.2) we obtain
From the values
we obtain
A.2 Evaluation of 
Integrating by parts
Now observe the following:
splitting in even and odd terms we get:
To compute the second integralwe follow a similar procedure
Integrating by parts
Where is Catalan´s constant
An alternative way to compute is through the integral representation (7) as following:
let in the first integral
Which is equal to (30)
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