We have already proved this famous result in a previous post via real methods. Today I want to proof it via contour integration and in the end of the post, use it to compute a famous infinite series.
We start by considering the following integral
. Lets evaluate the complex integral
It´s clear that has a pole @
and a branch @
. We choose
to be the keyhole contour below.
We can Write
Let´s first calculate the residues
Now let´s focus in each integral. Lets start by the integral around the big Arc and show that it vanishes as
letting . We have:
Similarly, letting over
we get
Therefore, from (1) and (2) we have
Lets start by the noting the following fact
now let in the inner integral
From the standard integral representation of the Gamma function
Equating (3) and (4) obtain the reflection formula for the Gamma function:
if we enforce
If we take logs on bth sides of (5) we obtain
differentiating (7) with respect to
(8) ia known as yje reflection formula of the Digamma function.
Now consider the following result that can be estabilished with the aid of (8)
Start with the infinite sum:
Note that the two sums inside the brackets can be represented by the Digamma function
Employing the recurrence relation of the Digamma function we can write
Employing result (8)
And finally
Rearranging terms we obtain
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