Gauss Multiplication Formula
Today´s post is a long post, but worth it for sure. We will proof Gauss´s Multiplication Formula for the Gamma Function, namely:
In order to make this post as full detailed and as self contained as possible, we will first provide the proofs of four Lemmas, and then finally proof the main theorem.
I want to give a special thanks for Daniel Ángeles (@Javier_DanielAR on Twitter)for showing the proof of Lemma 4.
So lets get to it!
Lemma 1:
Lemma 2:
Proof: Start by writting as follows
Note that
Lemma 3:
Lets first expand
Rearranging terms
And from the reflection formula for the Gamma function we get
To evaluate , we use the identity,
since the numbers , are the roots of the
polynomial on the left side. Letting
, we get
Lemma 4:
Note that both sides of (L4.1), the ratio between Gamma functions, can be rewritten as Pocchammer symbols. By the recurrence equation of the Gamma function, namely
we may write
enforcing in
above we get
plugging and
we get
Now, lets play a little with Pocchammer symbol to see whether we can draw something from it. By definition we have
We have one group of m terms
we have 2 groups of m terms each
We have 3 groups of m terms each
Generalizing we may write
We obtain n groups of m terms each.
Now, instead of writing each group horizontally, lets write each group in a different line getting sort of a matrix look. For
Now multiply vertically along each column to obtain
And we may write
And we may write
Generalizing, we may write
Factoring out m in each line
Which analogously as the above cases, we may then write
and finally
or shifting the index we get exactly
Gauss Multiplication Formula
Proof: Let
From Gauss product for the Gamma function and the result of Lemma 2 we have
By Lemma 1 we have
Note that in the second ratio of the above equation we can rewrite the products in terms of Pocchamer symbols, i.e.
From Lemma 4 we have :
Letting in the above equation we obtain
We see that is independent of
, and we can evaluate it by setting an appropriate value for
. If we let
in (T.1) we get
From Lemma 3 equation (L3.5) we get
and finally!
Erdélyi, A.; Magnus, W.; Oberhettinger, F.; and Tricomi, F. G. Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol. 1. New York: Krieger, pp. 4-5, 1981.
Berndt BC., Rudiments of the theory of the gamma function, University of Chicago, 1976. Available from:˜berndt/theory gamma function.pdf.
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