Weierstrass infinite product for the Gamma function
Weierstrass infinite product for the Gamma function
I want to derive in this post the Weierstrass infinite product gamma. It is a very useful expression to solve many problems involving the gamma function.
1.Weierstrass infinite product
1. The Weierstrass infinite product is given by
Recall Gauss infinite product for the Gamma function derived in this post
and finally taking the limit!
And recalling the functional equation of the Gamma Function
we get
2. Series Expansion Digamma function
If we take logs of (1.3)
and differentiate with respect to x we get the Series representation of the digamma function, extremely useful
3. Series expansion Trigamma Function and the evaluation of an Infinite series
If we differentiate (2.1) we get
if we let and
we get that
putting all together
On the other hand we have the reflection formula for the Gamma function
taking log on both sides and differentiating w.r. to x we get
differentiating the expression above one more time
Equating (3.2) and (3.3), we finally get
Ricardo Albahari
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