Computing four infinite series through the Fourier series of cos(at)
Today´s post is a bit long but I consider it one of the most important because we will evaluate four very important infinite series. To achieve this goal, I´ll start by computing the fourier series of the function in the interval
. In addition to the four infinite series calculated here, the famous reflection formula for the gamma function can also be proved from this fourier series, but this will be shown in the next post.
The exponential fourier series of a function is given by the following equation:
Recall from Euler´s formula that
We start by computing
split in two integrals
Therefore plugging this result in (1) we arrive at the the fourier series of as
This last equation can be broken in three pieces
By changing in the first sum and noting that
, we get the following
Now, if we let in (3) we get
since is an integer
This is an amazing result to add in our repertoire!
If we let in (4) we find the value of another important infinite serie
And finally!
Another very important corollary that we obtain is by letting in (3)
Equation (6) above can be used to derive the famous reflection formula for the Gamma function which will be proved in the next post!
The last result that I want to show in this post is by letting in (6)
And finally!
Ricardo Albahari