Fourier series of Loggamma function - Part 1
We are now equipped to compute the fourier series of the Loggamma function. This fourier expansion is known as Kummer´s fourier series for . It was discovered in 1847 by Kummer, here is a link to the original paper. In actuality it was already known to the Sweden mathematician Karl Malmesten who derived it in 1842 before Kummer.
Since it´s derivation involves the evaluation of three hard and beautiful integrals, and the computation of each one of them is lengthy, I decided to break down the proof in separate posts.
Our goal in these posts is to be able to write the Loggama function as a fourier expansions, i.e.
In the end of the day, our objective is to evaluate the three integrals above. Today we will focus in the first and second integrals, and the third one which is the harder, will be computed in the part 2. So, let´s get started!
1. Evaluation of 
and observe the following fact:
which can be easily proved making the substitution , therefore, we can rewrite (1) as
Adding (1.1) and (1.2) we get
Recalling the reflection formula of the gamma function proved in this post
we get
To evaluate this integral, recall the expansion of derived in this post (the last equation of the post)
Plugging this expansion in the last integral we get
Plugging (3) in the expression for
2. Evaluation of 
Our first integral is done. Let´s now jump into the second one. I haven´t seen the evaluation of this one the way I´m going to evaluate it here. Consider
integrating by parts where
Recall now the integral representation of the Digamma Function proved previously in another post
Plugging (2.3) in (2.2)
Switching the order of integration
Let´s now look into the inner integral, call it
This integral was already evaluated in this post and it is equal to
Plugging (2.5) in (2.4)
Changing variable
Now, plugging (2.6) into the formula of
And we are done!!
Next post, Part 2 we will compute
Blagouchine, Iaroslav V. (2014). "Rediscovery of Malmsten’s integrals, their evaluation by contour integration methods and some related results". Ramanujan J. 35 (1): 21–110.
Ricardo Albahari
This is a great solution ☺️ keep it up sir