The Reflection Formula for the Gamma and Digamma functions and the Infinite product of Sine
Today we are going to prove the famous Reflection formula of the Gamma function in two different ways. As a bonus, we show the proof of the infinite product of and the reflection formula of the digamma function.
We will start by computing the following integral
for .
Reflection formula of The Gamma function first way
Let´s start
Now let in the second integral
from our previous post we know that
On the other hand, if we prove that
we conclude the proof.
Lets start by the noting the following fact
now let in the inner integral
From the standard integral representation of the Gamma function
Equating (3) and (4) we finally get the beautiful formula:
Infinite Product of )
I´ll now show a second approach to prove this relation. But before we will show another beautiful formula, the infinite product for the !
We start with the partial fraction expansion of the cotangent proved in this post.
Making a change of variable
Now we integrate (5) from to
For the first integral on the left side recall that and make the substitution
The integral on the right hand side can be done either via inspection or substitution and is equal to (take the derivative to convince yourself).
By the continuity of we can bring the
The , here is a proof. Another easy way to prove it is by expanding
in it´s Taylor series, divide by
and then take the limit. Regardless the way
. Also, by
properties we can bring the summation operator inside the log and it becomes a product operator, therefore:
Exponentiating both sides we finally get
Reflection formula of The Gamma function second way
Now, lets proof the reflection formula based on the infinite product derived in the previous section. Recall the Gauss product for the Gamma function
and the functional equation of the Gamma function
Lets write in terms of Gauss products
Finally, changing in (6) an recognizing that the product in the denominator of the equation above equals (6) we finally get that
Reflection formula of Digamma function
As a bonus, we can also derive the reflection formula do the digamma function. Recall the definition of the digamma function
Taking in both sides of (7) and differentiating with respect to
we get
Ricardo Albahari
Reflection formula of The Gamma function second way
ReplyDeleteCould you pls explain pi^2 in denominator viz 2nd last step