In a previous post we showed how useful Fourier Transform may be in computing convolution of symmetric R.V.s. The Laplace tranform plays an analogous role for the convolution of one sided non-negative R.V.s. In this post We will show it´s usefulness in handling with the convolution of Levy-Smirnov R.V.s., an alpha stable distribution.
Laplace transform:
Recall the Laplace transform pair
Now recall from the previous post the convolution of two non-negative R.V.s
If We take the it´s Laplace transform We obtain
If and
are i.i.d we obtain
Similarly for the sum of three R.V.s
Taking it´s Laplace transform
Keeping on this process We may obtain
By equation (2) We Obtain
Levy-Smirnov distribution:
The Levy-Smirnov distribution is a continuous probability distribution for a non-negative random variable. It belongs to the family of alpha-stable distributions. Like all stable distributions except the Gaussian it is a Heavy tailed distribution, and it´s tails behave asymptotically as a power law. It´s density function is given by:
Lets now compute the Laplace transform of (5).
Inverse Laplace Transform:
We now compute the Inverse Laplace Transform of the LĂ©vy-Smirnov R.V.
Lets consider the following contour integral over the contour C below
The integrand has a branch point at zero. So we consider a branch-cut along the negative real axis. Since inside the contour C, the integrand has no singularities, by Cauchy´s Theorem the contour integral equals zero! Then:
Lets begin by showing that the integral over vanishes in the limit as
Since in , as
the integral decays exponantially to zero and consequently the integral vanishes.
Similarly we have the integral in
Since , in ther interval
the integrand decays exponentially and the integral vanishes.
For the integral over we have
Taking the limitit as
For the integral over we let
, then we obtain
Similarly for the integral over we let
, then we obtain
Taking the limits and
, according to (1) we have
Recall the result (see here)
Differentiating both sides w.r. to a
Plugging (10) in (8) we obtain
Letting we obtain
Which is again a Levy-Smirnov density, proving it´s a stable distribution!
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