Today´s post will be more on applied math. We will discuss about sum of Random variables and convolution.
First we will find the expression of the density function of a sum of two Random Variables and then apply it to find the density of the sum of two exponential R.V.´s and then to the sum of n exponential R.V.´s which ends up by being a Gamma R.V. which is important for the Poisson process and Renewal theory.
We then recall the fourier transform and use it to find the density function of the sum of n Gaussian R.V.´s and n Cauchy R.V.´s. Interesting fact is that the sum of n Gaussians has a gaussian distribution and the sum of n Cauchy´s has a cauchy distribution, due to an propertie called stability.
Convolution of two independent random variables
Let , where X and Y are two independent and identical distributed continuous R.V. Given
, what is
We know that , so if we know
we can find
We can then conclude that
Another beautiful method to derive the density function of a sum o R.V´s is by conditioning. The assumptions regarding X and Y remain the same.
Sum of i.i.d. exponential Random Variables
Let´s make a first application of this formula. Let´s consider X and Y to be exponential random variables with idenpendent identical distributions.
Exponential R.V.´s have the following density function:
Define .
Then, for the sum of two exponential R.V´s we have
For the sum of three R.V´s
Where we used the result for and that
by quation () above.
For the sum of four R.V´s we have:
Can you see a pattern emerging?
Assume that
(2) is the density function of a Gamma Random Variable.
Convolution and Fourier Transform
Recall the fourier transform of and it´s inverse
We have from (1) that
Let´s take the fourier transform of (5)
Therefore , by the inverse transform we obtain:
We can now try to extend this idea to the sum of more than two R.V.´s. Lets try to find the density of the sum of three i.i.d. R.V.´s
It´s fourier transoform is
If we keep follwing this reasoning we may obtain
And it´s fourier transform
Giving us
We have previously showed in this post that
If we Consider a normalized standard gaussian with density
By (9) the fourier transform becomes(multiplying by and assuming that
Hence, by equation (7) we have that the fourier transform of the density of the sum of n gaussian random variables is given by
By the inverse transform we have
Which is also a Gaussian!
For our last example lets consider a Cauchy Random Variable. A Cauchy R.V. has the following density:
It was shown in this post that
We than have
In order to obtain the density of the sum of n Cauchy R.V.´s we have to evaluate the inverse fourier transform of (16), hence by equation (8) We have
Which is also a Cauchy density function!!
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