Two integrals related to Binet´s second formula
I came across these two integrals here.
They are very interesting integrals because through Stirling´s approximation for the gamma function and a more general version of them, it´s possible to proof Binet´s second formula for the Loggamma function.
Today, I´ll show the proof of the two results and in a future post, the proof of Binet´s second formula. Lets start by recalling the Laplace transform of
The proof of the inner integral can be found here
Now, let
Lets now focus in the integral on the right hand side of (1)
From the definition of we can rewrite
Plugging this result in the integral
Lets do another substitution,
We now rewrite this integral as the sum of three integrals:
the first integral is the integral representation of the Digamma function
the third is Frullani’s integral representation of
The second integral is straightforward:
Putting all together we finally get that
setting in (2) we get
and substituting this result back in (1)
(3) can be found here. If we let in (3) expression we get
Now let differentiate both sides of (3) with respect to
Letting in (4) we get
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