Evaluating some Log Trig integrals through the derivatives of Beta Function
In this previous blog entry we have defined the beta function and derived some integral representations. We also mentioned that it´s very useful to compute a certain class of integrals. And this is the aim of today´s post. Lets start from the following representation (equation (8) in this post)
Let´s differentiate the R.H.S of (1) with respect to
Now recall the definition of the digamma function
Lets now compute
rewrite (2) as
differentiating w.t.
substituting (2) in the above equation
Similarly we can compute
Differentiating (2) w.r. to
Using (2) we get
On the other hand we may compute the derivatives of the L.H.S of (1)
Note that if we set and
in (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) we get
In order to evaluate (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14) we have to find the values of ,
. And this is the goal of this section.
By definition
we have already calculated in this post (equation (A.1)). Here we use another way, letting
in (1)
To find recall Weiertrass representation for the Digamma function derived in this post (eq.(2.1)):
Letting we get
To compute , let´s do the following. Start with (16)
Now let in (18)
and set
If we differentiate (16) w.r. to we get
letting in (20)
For set
in (20)
Now observe the following:
splitting in even and odd terms we get:
plugging (23) in (22) we get
So we have the following results:
We can now compute equations (10) to (14). From equations (2) and (10) we get:
From equations (4) and (12) we get:
From equations (3) and (13) we get:
and similarly
As a corollary we can compute another beautiful result
Ricardo Albahari
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