Today´s post will be more on applied math. We will discuss about sum of Random variables and convolution.
First we will find the expression of the density function of a sum of two Random Variables and then apply it to find the density of the sum of two exponential R.V.´s and then to the sum of n exponential R.V.´s which ends up by being a Gamma R.V. which is important for the Poisson process and Renewal theory.
We then recall the fourier transform and use it to find the density function of the sum of n Gaussian R.V.´s and n Cauchy R.V.´s. Interesting fact is that the sum of n Gaussians has a gaussian distribution and the sum of n Cauchy´s has a cauchy distribution, due to an propertie called stability.
Convolution of two independent random variables
Let , where X and Y are two independent and identical distributed continuous R.V. Given , what is ?
We know that , so if we know we can find .
We can then conclude that
Another beautiful method to derive the density function of a sum o R.V´s is by conditioning. The assumptions regarding X and Y remain the same.
Sum of i.i.d. exponential Random Variables
Let´s make a first application of this formula. Let´s consider X and Y to be exponential random variables with idenpendent identical distributions.
Exponential R.V.´s have the following density function:
Define .
Then, for the sum of two exponential R.V´s we have
For the sum of three R.V´s
Where we used the result for and that by quation () above.
For the sum of four R.V´s we have:
Can you see a pattern emerging?
Assume that
(2) is the density function of a Gamma Random Variable.
Convolution and Fourier Transform
Recall the fourier transform of and it´s inverse
We have from (1) that
Let´s take the fourier transform of (5)
Therefore , by the inverse transform we obtain:
We can now try to extend this idea to the sum of more than two R.V.´s. Lets try to find the density of the sum of three i.i.d. R.V.´s
It´s fourier transoform is
If we keep follwing this reasoning we may obtain
And it´s fourier transform
Giving us
We have previously showed in this post that
If we Consider a normalized standard gaussian with density
By (9) the fourier transform becomes(multiplying by and assuming that )
Hence, by equation (7) we have that the fourier transform of the density of the sum of n gaussian random variables is given by
By the inverse transform we have
Which is also a Gaussian!
For our last example lets consider a Cauchy Random Variable. A Cauchy R.V. has the following density:
It was shown in this post that
We than have
In order to obtain the density of the sum of n Cauchy R.V.´s we have to evaluate the inverse fourier transform of (16), hence by equation (8) We have
Which is also a Cauchy density function!!
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