log log integral inverse sech

In this entry we will prove the following result

\int_0^1 \ln\left(\ln\left(\frac{1+\sqrt{1-x^2}}{x} \right) \right)\,dx&=-\gamma-2\ln(2)-2\ln\left( \frac{ \Gamma\left(\frac34 \right)}{\Gamma\left(\frac14 \right)}\right)

Click here to read it.

Some previous established results were used, i.e.:

Lerch´s formula

\ln\left( \Gamma(x)\right)=\zeta^\prime(0,x)-\zeta^\prime(0)

Click here for the proof.

Relation between Bernoulli´s polynomials and Hurwitz zeta function


click here for the proof (equations 8.22 and 8.30)


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